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Bailey Elizabeth
Date of Birth: 8/24/2003 2:32:00 AM
Age: 20 Years 11 Months 2 Days
Nickname(s): Bailey Girl, Baby Girl, Bailey Boo
Occupation: Big Sister, Good student, house-hold helper
Favorites: Caterpillars! Little Mermaid, Barbie Movies, Higgley Town Heroes, Jacob, SpongeBob, Wii Game (Disney Princesses), Jellybeans
Miscellaneous: 04/21/2008 - Bailey can write her name. She is learning to recognize letters and numbers. Her teachers love her.
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Bailey's Movies and Audio
Note: To view these movies or listen to audio clips you may need a player such as QuickTime, Windows Media Player, or Winamp to name a few.
11/10/2008 Bailey the videographer
06/05/2008 Bailey's Preschool Graduation 1
10/17/2006 Bailey reciting the 'Pledge of Allegiance'
06/11/2006 Bailey saying 'Why I can't talk anymore?'
06/09/2008 Bailey riding her new scooter
08/26/2006 Wiggles Concert 2006 - Part 1
08/26/2006 Wiggles Concert 2006 - Part 2
12/25/2005 Dancing to the Wiggles (with Relatives) 1
12/25/2005 Dancing to the Wiggles (with Relatives) 2
08/10/2005 Myrtle Beach - Broadway at the Beach 1
08/10/2005 Myrtle Beach - Broadway at the Beach 2
08/10/2005 Myrtle Beach - Broadway at the Beach 3
03/14/2004 Bailey in her new jumperoo
03/10/2004 Bailey eating zwieback toast #2
03/10/2004 Bailey eating zwieback toast
01/04/2004 Bailey Laughing #2
01/04/2004 Bailey Laughing
11/14/2003 Bailey in her swing fussing
11/14/2003 Bailey in her swing talking
10/27/2003 Bailey likes her Raggedy-Anne mobile
10/05/2003 Bailey meets the Baker Family
09/19/2003 Bailey on the floor #2
09/19/2003 Bailey on the floor
08/28/2003 Bailey meets Mrs. Davis
08/27/2003 Bailey in her swing
Bailey Update
Bailey is growing like a weed. She lost another baby tooth and her first adult tooth is growing in. She went to a girl scout formal dance with Uncle Roy (thanks for covering brother-in-law!), she kicks butt at reading (like 8-9 levels above the average), and she does well with her spelling words each week (usually studying/testing the challenge list!).

Along with all the good comes our little girl wanting to push her boundaries and be her own person.
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Posted by Daddy Read 31 times | Add Comment
3/28/2010 4:57:55 PM 0 comments
All I want for Christmas...
Bailey had her remaining upper front tooth extracted yesterday. The dentist seemed to think it was loose, possibly from her earlier fall when she lost the first tooth, and said it had to come out.

Apparently they didn't run the appointment too smoothly, Jacob had his first appointment at the same time, but she came out of it just fine.

Other than that our little girl is now a 1st Grader.
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Posted by Daddy Read 43 times | Add Comment
7/22/2009 10:07:25 PM 1 comments | Last comment by Mommy
A Good Note from Bailey's Teacher
Bailey has been struggling in Math. Monday she came home so excited saying she got a 3 in Math! She says she has a note from her teacher for me. It said, "Bailey did a great job on her math assessment today. The only thing she got confused with was calendar. (Ex. What month is after April? What day is before Sun.?) I am so proud of her."

Mommy & Daddy are so proud too!!
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Posted by Mommy Read 24 times | Add Comment
5/31/2009 9:43:47 AM 0 comments
Last Day of 21st Century
Today was Bailey's last day of the afterschool program 21st Century. They had a big party to say goodbye. I'm happy to see it coming to an end. Going to school from 8am to 5pm was just too much! I'm sure it helped her alot to have that extra help. I am not looking forward to the long carpool lines everyday now, but having her home will be worth it. She finished up Kindergarten on 6/30 and then will start 1st grade on 7/7.
Posted by Mommy Read 30 times | Add Comment
5/21/2009 9:37:49 PM 1 comments | Last comment by Guest
Laser... round two.
Yesterday we took Bailey back to Duke Medical for her second round of 'laser wart removal'.

What they do if fire a laser into the wart and cause a bruise. The idea is that when the body goes to repair the bruise it sees the wart virus and will fight it off. Then, ideally, your body builds up an immunity and will automatically start fighting other warts.

After the first treatment we've definitely seen the treated warts disappear, as well as some others get smaller or disappear completely.
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Posted by Daddy Read 41 times | Add Comment
12/16/2008 10:46:42 AM 2 comments | Last comment by Mommy
New video
Bailey took some video with the camera. You can see the results by clicking on the newest link on the left.
Posted by Daddy Read 15 times | Add Comment
11/22/2008 11:35:02 PM 0 comments
Oooohhh.... Pretty lights!
Last Monday we took Bailey to her appointment at Duke University to have her warts/bumps looked at. They have some lasers there that they use to (try and) remove warts. We weren't sure if they were going to do anything or if it was just a consultation.

After we arrived the nurse asked some questions and took some pictures. Then the Doctor/Doctors Assistant came in and took a look.
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Posted by Daddy Read 31 times | Add Comment
11/2/2008 11:02:56 PM 0 comments
Bailey's Grades in Kindergarten
I had a meeting with Bailey's teacher on Tuesday. Bailey's grade is a 3 (out of 4). She's doing really well. The teacher gave us a few things to work with her on at home, but said Bailey is doing really well. There was a reading comprehension test Bailey took & she scored a 4! The teacher was very complimentary saying that most kids her age wouldn't score above a 3. She says Bailey is very sweet and has a cute personality.
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Posted by Mommy Read 30 times | Add Comment
10/4/2008 11:39:37 PM 0 comments
Ayiieeee Yah!!! - Part II
Bailey and I went to karate class again today. It was a little easier than last time; partly because we knew some of what to expect.

At the end of class we both got our first strip on our white-belts. The stripe consisted of a piece of electrical tape wound around the end of the belt. :o)

We also found out that after five classes we will get our orange belts. Bailey was so exicted she wants to go to class three times this week so we get them on Saturday.
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Posted by Daddy Read 22 times | Add Comment
10/4/2008 10:12:10 PM 0 comments
Ayiieeee Yah!!!
Bailey and I have signed up to take Karate lessons. Well, technically we have signed up for the free 21-day confidence class. If she likes it and wants to keep on going then we'll sign up for the real deal.

As part of the package, which they were offering at her schools fair, we got uniforms (t-shirt and pants), the 21-day breakin, and an into class (more of a meeting).

Our first class is tomorrow night at 6pm.
Posted by Daddy Read 19 times | Add Comment
9/28/2008 11:56:11 PM 0 comments
Urinary Tract Infection
My poor baby. We've been so busy with this first track out from Kindergarten. We went to Massachusetts for 2 weeks and then home for 24 hours and then off to North Myrtle Beach for a few days. I began to suspect something was wrong when we were on our way home. We finally got to the doctor where they confirmed she has a UTI. She's on the pink bubble gum antibotic for 10 days. She's been having to go potty alot and she says her belly hurts.
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Posted by Mommy Read 28 times | Add Comment
8/14/2008 8:43:03 PM 0 comments
Bailey went to her first day of kindergarten on Monday. Many of the schools here in our area are on year round schedules to relieve overcrowding. She doesn't go any more days than other children on a traditional schedule, but the days are spread out through the year. Monday was her first day. She seemed a bit nervous & excited. She did really well. I walked her in & she got started on coloring.
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Posted by Mommy Read 36 times | Add Comment
7/9/2008 9:02:16 PM 0 comments
New (old) Audio Clips
I just updated the site to also include audio clips. There are two clips from 2006 in the Movie/Audio section on the left.

(Make sure to read the next two new posts also. I really need to post after I make all my site changes. *grin*)
Posted by Daddy Read 13 times | Add Comment
6/14/2008 3:14:49 AM 0 comments
New Movie Up
I just uploaded a video Kelly took of Bailey riding her new scooter. She bought this with her own money (from her allowance). I didn't think she'd ride it, but she loves the thing!

(Don't forget to read the previous post about her preschool graduation.)
Posted by Daddy Read 12 times | Add Comment
6/14/2008 2:30:16 AM 0 comments
Preschool Graduate
Bailey graduated from preschool last Thursday night. It was cute seeing all the kids in their little caps and gowns. They marched in, sang some songs, and did the graduation/diploma walk just like older kids. After they had a little reception with cake and stuff.

Bailey is all focused on starting kindergarten in about a month. She keeps wanting to go to the store and buy school supplies.
Posted by Daddy Read 13 times | Add Comment
6/14/2008 1:53:57 AM 0 comments

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