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Daniel Joseph
Date of Birth: 2/27/1970 12:42:00 PM
Age: 54 Years 11 Months 11 Days
Nickname(s): Dan, Danny, DC
Occupation: Software Architect / Consultant
Favorites: Computers, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Classic Rock & New Age
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Been at the new job for just over five months now. We're steadily making progress on the new product but varied roadblocks have made it a tad difficult. Hopefully we get over the hump and things start to fall into place. The product is very interesting, the technologies are very current, so all in all it's a good thing.

Chocksett Software is still running. I've been working a couple hours each night trying to get a new release of the software done.
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Posted by Daddy Read 29 times | Add Comment
7/22/2009 10:10:56 PM 0 comments
The fun has begun!
I've been working each night trying to get the new site integrated with PayPal for people to buy the software. This morning at about 4:30am I pushed code to the webserver with the first pass at integration; PayPal Express Checkout.

At about 4pm today someone purchased the software! Woot! The process broke at the end, but the guy called and I was able to get him registered; he said he might buy 9 more copies for his company.
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Posted by Daddy Read 32 times | Add Comment
11/18/2008 5:33:54 PM 0 comments
Fidelity - I will survive!
Fidelity had another RIF (reduction in force) today. 2.9%, or 1300 people. One from our team, and a bunch more from the NC site. The action was across a good portion of the company.

Round 2, which the papers have already mention, is scheduled for January sometime. Estimates are 2000+ more people to go depending on how the market does between now and then.

Wonder what Kelly would think of me joining a Consulting company that does military/government work; it would most likely entail short term foreign service gigs (or, as my buddy James calls it, "Pounding Sand!").
Posted by Daddy Read 27 times | Add Comment
11/13/2008 12:15:43 AM 2 comments | Last comment by Mommy
Chocksett Software
Been working on a new website/business that my college buddy Joe gave me: Chocksett Software. Business licenses completed, business bank account opened, website 85% converted to newer technologies. Next step is to create a new version of the software and watch the cash roll in (I hope!).
Posted by Daddy Read 19 times | Add Comment
11/2/2008 11:20:08 PM 0 comments
Not a lot happening...
I've been working, doing the family thing, and goofing around with the computer (of course!). My latest bad habit is Warhammer Online. I gotta stop playing these games, they are a major time-suck.

I need to focus more on the software I inherited from Joe P., as well as working on my Apple/Mac/Cocoa stuff.
Posted by Daddy Read 22 times | Add Comment
9/29/2008 12:28:18 AM 0 comments

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